Dyeing residential carpet styles can be divided into two categories: pre-dyed and post-dyed. Pre-dyed are dyed before being tufted into a tufting blanket, as the name implies. After the tufting blanket is stitched, post-dyed are dyed. Pre-dyeing and post-dyeing can be done in a variety of ways.
We will keep the description reasonably general because these explanations can grow far more extensive than the ordinary carpet consumer requires. It is unnecessary to grasp skein dyed, stock dyed, yarn-dyed, or space-dyed, but it is necessary to comprehend pre and post dyeing variations and characteristics.
Carpet Dying Stages - PRE-DYED:
Before the tufting process, dyestuffs are added to the fibres or yarn. According to DYEBOLD – the best carpet dying company in Florida, Pre-dyed carpets can be dyed in one of four ways:
1. Dyeing Solution
Before the liquid polymer is extruded into a colourful filament, dyestuffs are added to the molten polymer. As a result, the colour pigment is thoroughly impregnated throughout the filament. Solution dyeing is the only way to dye olefin.
Nylon is frequently solution-dyed in the commercial sector. On the other hand, solution-dyed nylon can continue to absorb acid colours from food spills, coffee, and colas unless proper acid dye blockers are applied after carpet manufacturing.
2. Stock-Dyed
When the yarn was tufted, it was undyed, and the unfinished carpet was dyed later.
3. Skein-Dyed
Small batches of yarn are dyed in skein form. Yarn is unwound from cones to skeins, mounted, and then plunged in a giant hot dye vat. The yarn is rewound into cones after dyeing and drying.
4. Space-Dyed:
When tufted, several colours are printed along the yarn length to create a tweed look.
When the yarn was tufted, it was undyed, and the unfinished carpet was dyed later. The majority of home carpets are Post-Dyed.
It's mainly used for solid colours in small batches. After tufting but before additional finishing operations like attaching the secondary backing, the carpet is dyed in a piece in this way. Large rolls of uncoloured carpet in rope shape are immersed in a giant vat of dye solution, heated to high temperatures, and stirred continuously while soaking up the dye, resulting in a remarkably consistent colour from end to end and side.
After that, it's taken out, washed, and dried. Cut pile carpet is the most popular application of this technique. Depending on the colour and amount of carpet to be dyed, Beck dyeing a roll of carpet can take anywhere from three to six hours.
2. Continuous Dyeing
This stage involves rinsing the carpet and then passing it through a dye applicator, which evenly distributes or sprays dyes throughout the entire width of the carpet. The carpet is then placed in a steam chamber to "set" the dyes into the fibres. This approach is suitable for both solid and multi-colour applications with longer runs.
3. Print Dyeing
Screen printing, roller equipment, and inkjet printers create a pattern with dyestuffs on carpets and rugs. Bending over the fibre tuft and seeing if the tuft is only a coloured part of the way down indicates that it is print dyed.
The carpet is steamed and dried after the print dyeing. On print coloured carpet, do not use harsh detergents with a high pH. Tone on tone and multi-colour effects are possible with this technique of dyeing. Flatbed printing, rotary printing, silkscreen printing, and computerised jet spray printing are all included in this technology.
4. Differential Dyeing
Tufted carpet with yarn that has been chemically treated such that each yarn type reacts differently to the dye when placed in a dye bath, resulting in varied hues of the same colour.
DYEBOLD – Carpet Dying in Florida
For carpet dyeing services in FL, we recommend DYEBOLD. The carpet dying procedure used by DYEBOLD is long-lasting and cost-effective. They are completely dedicated to recolouring carpets and rugs. They are licenced, insured, and carpet dyeing certified, with a wide range of carpet and rug experience. By giving warranties, they have helped a significant number of clients.